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  • A tax agent is a professional IRD-approved agent who can assist you in filing your taxes correctly and on time along with helping you to increase your earnings along the way. Having an association with a tax agent can help you in the following ways:-
  • Be assured and confident that your tax return has been filed appropriately
  • Stay updated on all the latest guidelines issued by IRD and any alteration announcements for Rideshare-related services
  • Integrated software helps to check all the fees and surcharges for different rideshare platforms
  • Your tax bill will be minimized to a great extent
  • Manage your accounting and taxation from anywhere in the world, anytime

Having a tax agent on board eliminates your headache of filing tax returns and your tax returns become our headache and we don’t treat keeping accounts as pain but pleasure. Your tax returns can be filed through email or phone, no matter where you are located. We provide economic services in comparison to our competitors. If you ever feel like you are stuck in the financing, we are just a call away.

It seems that IRD has turned a blind eye towards non-taxpaying rideshare drivers and the scenario appears to be changing. It is the best time to get an IRD-approved tax agent and file all your overdue taxes and returns before time runs out.

The job of an approved and expert IRD tax agent is to help you reduce your liabilities while paying taxes and maximizing your earnings. In the case of rideshare drivers, there are a lot of expenses incurred by them during work time that can be claimed to reduce tax liabilities.

In order to pay the least possible tax, you will have to maximize business-related expenditure from your income which could then be deducted from your taxable income.

We have many such ways rolled up our sleeves and a complete list of expenses that can be claimed to reduce tax liabilities.

It seems that IRD has turned a blind eye towards non-taxpaying rideshare drivers and the scenario appears to be changing. It is the best time to get an IRD-approved tax agent and file all your overdue taxes and returns before time runs out.

Yes, of course, most of our stuff is done online over email and phone, so our team can help people sitting across the globe. However, we have a helping hand available in different cities of New Zealand, please let us know where you are based and we can surely provide all the required assistance.


Being an accounting firm, definitely we can. We are helping all sorts of companies, partnerships, sole traders to keep their accounts up to date. Please discuss your situation and requirements with us for guidance.

The levies you pay are separate from the general tax. They’re used to cover the cost of injuries caused by an accident and to help in protecting your most important asset – you and your people.

If you are an employee who has income tax (PAYE) deducted from your pay, your ACC levy is included in that tax. This earner’s levy goes towards the cost of injuries that are not work-related (and not motor vehicle-related). However, Whether you’re self-employed, a contractor or you have a staff, you’ll likely receive an invoice from ACC between mid-July and mid-August.

There can’t be a “YES” or “No” answer to this question. It completely depends upon the nature of your business. We need to understand your business model before advising you. Let’s talk if you want to discuss this further.