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The question of how much Uber drivers make in New Zealand is not a simple one. It’s a complex topic that requires a detailed explanation, which we will provide in this blog to help you understand it better.

Uber driver earnings in New Zealand are not set in stone. They can vary significantly. Some of our clients earn more than  $100000 per year, while others, who drive occasionally, make less than 10K. The average hourly rate is around 25, but this can fluctuate based on several factors. 

Evening rush hours start from 4 pm to 7 pm, and for the same reason as above, people are returning home from work. These hours are less business-like than morning hours, but you can anticipate making around $35/hour.

Weekend nights: As per our starts, most drives are either part-time or between part-time and full-time; everyone is active on weekends. Friday business times start from 5 pm onwards till 4 am Saturday and from 8 pm to Sunday 5 am.

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