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As you are using your vehicle for business (driving Ola & Uber). You can claim all the km you have driven for business purposes @ kilometer rate. IRD publish the kilometer rates after each tax year end on 31 March. IRD usually publish the rates for the tax year just ended by May.

If you have a vehicle that is only used for business purposes, you can claim the full running costs as a business expense. If you use your vehicle for both business and personal trips you will need to work out how to allocate costs correctly.

To claim the kilometers you need to keep the records of your logbook for 90 days

1. The start date and the vehicle’s odometer reading on that day.
2. The date, distance and reason for each business journey.
3. The end date of the 90-day period, and the vehicle’s odometer reading on that day.
4. Any other information we may require.

The current financial year ends on 31st March 2022. To claim the kilometers you would need to start keeping records of your logmate from now onwards to meet the 90 days requirement.

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